Private 1:1 Coaching

Many of my clients don’t have a specific goal in mind. They just know that they aren’t living the life that they want. They may question how they got “here” in life and whether “this is it”, but these questions are signals that they know they are being called to something greater for themselves. They aren’t sure where to start or how to change.

I work with clients one-on-one for the deepest, long-lasting transformational work. True nervous system healing, neural pathway re-wiring, and embodied living takes a long time. Transformative healing cannot be done in a hour-long workshop or an intensive weekend getaway. It requires small, sustainable daily habits and rituals that slowly build over time.

My goal is not to give you a service that you need to keep coming back to. My goal is for you and I to work together to create substantial, tangible, sustainable changes that will slowly transform your daily life.

Are you ready to become the badass person you know is waiting inside you?

What is included?

I ask one-on-one clients to commit to working with me for three months minimum at the start. This is the time it takes to start integrating habits and seeing deeper changes that will last. You’ll have the opportunity to continue on a monthly basis after the initial 3-month period.

One-on-one coaching packages consist of a 1-hour private virtual coaching practice each week, weekly homework to continue the practices you learned throughout the week (these should be no more than 15 mins a day), and a mid-week email or text check in to see how it’s going. You’ll also receive up to 3 personalized audio recordings tailored to your unique situation, access to all previous workshop recordings, and special discounts to all future events.

This allows us to have a trusting and authentic relationship, and allows me to tailor practices to your unique challenges and strengths. Together, we’ll explore the challenges you’re facing and strengths you carry and set some goals and visions for what you want your life to look like and who you want to be. We’ll examine your habits and lifestyle and evaluate what is already working (and what’s not). Finally, I’ll teach you tailored practices that can help you with your unique struggles. It will be up to you to practice these techniques throughout the week, but I’ll be there with you checking in each week to cheer you on and make sure you keep showing up for yourself.

If this level of intimate personal transformation is calling to you, then you deserve to explore what’s possible with the support of someone who has been there and “gets it”.


Why am I here?

This isn’t the life you thought it would be. These are supposed to be the happiest years of your life, yet you feel like a shell of yourself. 

Mama, you deserve the world. You are doing the most important work in our society: mothering. And what’s more, you are mothering while also trying to figure out how to heal so that you can move forward into a joyous, fulfilling, passionate life. Because you are worthy of the life you’ve always dreamed of. 

You’re ready to stop going thru the motions just to survive and ready to start focusing on making progress in order to thrive. You’re ready to lean into your soft-core, self-love, calming bliss, inner peace era. You’re ready to have a heroine’s journey and tame your inner dragons. You’re ready to walk the healing path, reclaim your power, and find inner peace.

Do I really need a coach?

Chances are, if you are here, you’re at least curious. And you’re definitely here because you recognize that some things in your life aren’t going the way you want them to and you think maybe you would like some help. You probably think that someone who has similar experiences and has walked through these waters before will “get it” and might have something valuable to offer.

Believe me, I was skeptical about the whole job of a “life coach” when I first heard about it, too. How can someone else tell me how to live my life? But today, personal coaching is one of the fastest growing industries. So there has gotta be something there that people are finding valuable.

The truly transformational coaches are the ones you choose for yourself. It’s going to work, but only if you are willing to do the work.

Okay, but why work with you?

The best way to figure out if you and me “click” is to see me in action by checking out my instagram, joining a monthly session, or book a 1:1 consult directly.

I share a lot of practices on instagram. I recommend starting with the Mindful Monday highlights to learn more about specific practices that I incorporate into my coaching and to get a feel for my vibe.

I also host monthly Healing in Community workshops that are free, virtual, and inclusive to all (male-bodied people and partners are welcome!). You can sign up to be added to the list.

I also have a lot of resources, connections, and suggestions if you choose NOT to work with me.

Here’s the thing, babes. I truly want what’s best for you.

What is this NOT?

This is NOT commercialized “self-care” with a face mask and a bubble bath. It’s not a one-time retreat or spa day before going right back to the chaos of domestic and professional life. This is not a glass of wine (or two… no judgment!) to take the edge off after you’ve put the kids to bed before facing another grueling day.

This is not a one-size-fits-all step-by-step protocol that guarantees success (or your money back). There is no magical potion to solve all your problems. There are no guarantees. There are no quick fixes. There’s no prince coming to save you on a white horse. 

This is also not a substitute for therapy. I am not a licensed clinician for mental health therapy. I see a therapist, and I think that seeking therapy is a necessary step toward self-healing. Honestly, everyone should see a therapist, IMHO. And if medications help you, that’s great too. This is not a replacement for that. I am what therapists would consider a “peer expert”.

I encourage my clients to not only see a therapist, but to talk with their therapists about this. Anecdotally, I’ve had several therapists tell me that the work I do is a great compliment to therapy. The work on self-awareness and mindfulness can actually make therapy more effective.

What is this? (Great question!)

This is soul searching. This is self soothing. This is women supporting women. This is healing and restoring. This is breaking generational patterns. This is re-parenting your inner child. This is embracing your shadow side. This is letting go of control of everything around you that you can’t control in order to feel supremely connected to the one thing you can control: yourself. This is finding out who you want to be on the other side of this season of your life. This is fighting for her and winning.

This is a full-bodied FUCK YES to becoming the person who is waiting inside of you.

This is also hard work. This is facing uncomfortable realities. It is filled with dark nights of the soul, facing harsh truths about yourself, and finding the strength to show up every day as your very best. This is finding courage and self-compassion. This is finding your own power to heal yourself the way that no one else can.

No one knows what it’s like to live your life like you do, honey. There is only yourself, your body, your feelings, your thoughts, your dreams, your fears, and YOUR OWN goddamn life that you are saving.

It’s up to YOU to decide you want to CHANGE.

But is this the right time?

Come on, now. You know what I’m gonna say, right?

Only you can decide that. Here is what I can tell you:

Caring for a child while also healing yourself is possibly the hardest thing anyone has ever been through.  There are no breaks, and many of us don’t have the support of “the village” that we need. You have no extra time, no extra money… I get it. And yet, you need relief now. Your family needs you to be well NOW.

(This is corny, but I almost died in childbirth, so I’ve earned the right to say it.) I have realized how precious life is. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. I promised myself that I would make the most of my time, and show up every day as the most awesome, kick-ass version of myself. And I realized that in order to do that, I needed to put myself FIRST.

You NEED to care for yourself in order to show up as the caregiver, partner, or professional that you know you can be. You need to believe that healing yourself is possible. And you need to believe that you deserve it. You need to believe that everything you are missing is already inside of you, waiting for you to tap into your own innate strengths and unleash your most authentic, badass self.

Frankly… there is no better time to do this work.

What does it look like to work with you as a 1:1 client?

I ask clients to commit to working with me for three months minimum. This is because I believe this is the time it takes to start integrating habits and seeing deeper changes that will last.

One-on-one coaching packages consist of:

  • a 1-hour private virtual coaching practice each week with flexible scheduling

  • personalized weekly homework to make these practices stick (<15 mins a day)

  • a mid-week email or text check in to touch base

  • access to all previous Healing in Community workshop recordings

  • and the opportunity to extend our work together on a month-to-month basis.

How do you structure the pricing?

I highly value making my practice affordable and accessible to all. I don’t believe in the pay-to-heal approach in the wellness industry. I recognize that many people have been historically excluded and class privilege is real. I’ve structured my pricing based on what I know I’m worth, while also striving to be inclusive. 

I offer a sliding scale model, so those with extra wealth pay extra to supplement the cost for those who have limited means. You may fall into multiple categories based on the descriptors. You get to choose the one that feels like a stretch for your financial comfort zone (this is a commitment and should feel like it!), but doesn’t put receiving coaching outside of your reach. Most people will pay within the middle two bands.

I also offer free resources, workshops, and content. This stuff should be there for FREE for anyone willing to do the work. (It’s just a lot easier when you have a personal guide.)

Okay, so how much does it cost?

Straight up. I love being direct and knowing my worth. This is my sliding scale.

  • $1,800 for 3 months ($150/week) - for those with a two salary households, or making over $120k/yr, receive family benefits, homeownership, and/or generational or accumulated wealth

  • $1,380 for 3 months ($115/week) - for those with a one-income household, receive benefits, own or rent, and have comfy accumulated savings 

  • $960 for 3 months ($75/week) - for those who are not working, working part-time, or in the gig-economy, rent or live with family, and/or financially support extended family.

  • $360 for 3 months ($30/week) - for those who are unable to work, living at or below the cost of living in your area, or are eligible to receive assistance such as food stamps or social security benefits.

Deep inner healing requires taking small, sustainable steps to form daily habits, practices, and rituals that over time make transformational changes.